Forums - MvC better than MvC2???I think so Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- MvC better than MvC2???I think so ( Posted by The Dark Hadou on 04:17:2001 10:57 AM: Ya know MvC may not have as many characters, it may not be as graphically stylish, IT MAY NOT EVEN HAVE AKUMA, but MvC still has that classic gaming feel to it that MvC2 will never have. It has that nice comic book look to it, sort've even reminds me of an older fighting game (XvSF). I don't know, I might be crazy, what do u guys think here at, I'm new by the way. Posted by CykoClops on 04:17:2001 11:18 AM: everyone is entitled to his own opinion. myself, i kinda like the looks of MvC better than MvC2. at my local arcade they are two big screen machines right next to each other, MvC and MvC2. MvC looks alot sharper for some reason. but gameplay wise, MvC2 is the best of all time Posted by yashugan on 04:17:2001 12:04 PM: hmmm I cant really decide on which game has the better graphics but i'd pick MvC2. Gameplay-wise, MvC2 is imo much deeper than MvC. Every time i played MvC, it kinda felt a bit 'unfinished'. Dont know how to describe it exactly but i always felt something was missing in that game. Posted by [darkgohan45] on 04:17:2001 02:16 PM: mvc is much more easier to play. Of course, the air combos aren't really worth it, the best out of the game is the boss. It's much more longer to defeat than the stupid abyss Posted by kaspr5 on 04:21:2001 08:58 AM: mvc the first mvc has the better graphics. this is due to the fact that the characters in the first mvc are high resolution sprites. also the backgrounds are of the hand drawn type. this is more closely resembling the vs games before it (xmvsf, mshvsf) the character sprites in the second mvc are low resolution. since there are nearly triple the amount of characters in this game capcom had to think of a way to lessen the memory capacity for each character. this is why they tried to make up for the hand drawn backgrounds with the 3-d looking ones to take your attention away from how bad the character sprites are in comparison to the first mvc. Posted by Biggs on 04:21:2001 09:02 AM: I like MvC better than MvC2. Because MvC2 is just to... how should I say this. To glitched for me. Need I say more. Posted by The Dark Hadou on 04:21:2001 03:06 PM: The Dark Hadou Cool...thx guys...I had a feelin' that you all would agree with me. Posted by dj-b13 on 04:21:2001 03:09 PM: I take MvC2 more than MvC1...especially the popularity on the game... Posted by akumachan on 04:21:2001 05:22 PM: of course. MVC ownz MVC2 for free. Posted by Pastries on 04:21:2001 05:33 PM: MVC owns that little bit of space in the empty corner of the arcade, alone. Posted by DrunkinB on 04:21:2001 05:35 PM: Idealy MvC is better then MvC2! But I think their where a few flaws in it! Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 05:44 PM: MVC better? Please. MvC had Strider, who took off 35% of your life from a simple 4-hit ground chain. Red Venon had about 1,000 infinite setups. Wolverine could aircombo, stomp kick, and then restart the shit again, and keep it up until you died. Gold War Machine ruled straight up. The only characters that could be used in tournament play were: Strider Wolverine War Machine Gold War Machine Chun-Li Red Venom I'll admit, this game is a little more out of control. With it's traps, infinites, glitches, etc..... You can kill your opponent faster with block damage than if you actually hit them. Something's wrong with that. MvC2 does focus to much on chipping, traps, and keep away. But it's better than MvC. Posted by on 04:21:2001 06:06 PM: MvsC doesn't own anything...especially not MvsC2. MvsC is more balanced...but hey...MvsC2 is just still more fun. I'd much rather prefer playing with MvsC2's assist system than that in MvsC...with that random character limited uses....and the music....don't get me started on that techno garbage. Strider didn't deserve such a theme....neither did Gambit... Posted by PsychoSquall on 04:21:2001 06:28 PM: I prefer MvC over MvC2. I love my strong and forward button attacks, and I love the music for Megaman, Ryu, and Roll. The traps and unlimited assists in MvC2 don't appeal to me. And cross fever mode is just awesome. Posted by shadowcharlie on 04:21:2001 06:37 PM: yeah mvc is better and more balanced plus mad props to chun li's super air das hyper. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 06:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by shadowcharlie yeah mvc is better and more balanced plus mad props to chun li's super air das hyper. MvC is more balanced? Posted by BarrelO on 04:21:2001 09:58 PM: What is it about MvC that makes it better? A completely untouchable top tier? A team (DWM) that takes away 50% of your life in chip damage for free every 30 seconds or so? The overwhelming dominance of mindless pixieing over any other tactic (except for DWM)? And I can't believe that anyone would seriously suggest that MvC is more balanced. MvC2's top tier is larger than the number of MvC's tournament playables. Posted by Million on 04:21:2001 10:27 PM: MvC2 is just plain better in my opinion. I don't give a damn about balance issues...that seems to be the main concern of people who always go to tournements. The sprites of MvC1 are a bit more sharp, but I didn't like the limited assists, the horrible female announcer, and the small selection of fighters, which seemed like a step backwards from the previous games. I prefer the crazy action of MvC2, the jazzy music (though I seem to be one of few who prefer this to that techno crap), the huge amount of fighters, and the overall presentation...which seems much more professional and finished. MvC1 looked like they rushed it and only half-assed a few things to meet a deadline. (as a lazy artist, I know what "rushed, half-ass projects" look like) I did prefer Onslaught as boss though. Plus it actually had different endings. The lack of endings was one of my only complaints about MvC2. Endings give you a desire to play with everyone at least enough to finish the game! Posted by Gambit on 04:21:2001 10:35 PM: Yep, MvC definately has something over MvC2. So does XSF, I don't know about MSHvsSF, that game was a little too much of a joke, but I like XSF and MvC much better than MvC2. I like the comic book look and feel of the games too, and I actually prefer the limited assists. And welcome aboard Dark Hadou . You seem familiar... Posted by Apoc on 04:21:2001 10:47 PM: It seems like a joke to me. MvC over MvC2? LOL. The graphics are simply a preference. Mvc2 is a much more intelligent game on all sides. The game finally refined into a really fun tournament game. MvC lead the way for sure. But there's a damn good reason why MvC2 player base is much larger and doesn't look to slow down yet. I think the main problem MvC lovers might have with MvC2 is that pixies require way more skill in true comp than MvC. I find that a lot of ppl don't have a clue on rushing in mvc2...try it like mvc1...get bashed by assists they didn't calculate. MvC2 is more thought provoking which makes it leagues more fun than any vs. game. MvC2 is the game that took the "scrub" label off the vs. series. To me that says something...just my opinion. Apoc. Posted by Spinkus on 04:21:2001 11:13 PM: MVC is much better. I just prefer the look, the smaller amount of chars, the announcer, and the limited assists. Posted by on 04:21:2001 11:21 PM: Of course MvsC has slightly more balanced gameplay. At least somebody can actually have a damn chance of winning in MvsC. In MvsC2...if your playing against somebody that has their team rigged and setup for a fight full of infinites and traps...your ass is grass. Posted by BarrelO on 04:21:2001 11:38 PM: It's been my experience that people who prefer MvC over MvC2 tend not to be too terribly good at either game. And that's understandable. Pretty much everyone concedes that intermediate level MvC2 is, in Spider-Dan's words, "basically unplayable." It's at high levels of play that MvC2 really shines. Posted by TS on 04:21:2001 11:38 PM: Re: mvc quote: Originally posted by kaspr5 the first mvc has the better graphics. this is due to the fact that the characters in the first mvc are high resolution sprites. also the backgrounds are of the hand drawn type. this is more closely resembling the vs games before it (xmvsf, mshvsf) the character sprites in the second mvc are low resolution. since there are nearly triple the amount of characters in this game capcom had to think of a way to lessen the memory capacity for each character. this is why they tried to make up for the hand drawn backgrounds with the 3-d looking ones to take your attention away from how bad the character sprites are in comparison to the first mvc. Are you sure it wasn't the way around? That Capcom wanted 3D backgrounds, and so they sort of glazed the sprites over so they wouldn't clash with them? I like MvC2 over MvC. Not a big fan of pixies. Or at least a game that's 80% pixie. MvC2 is much more balanced than MvC IMO. GeoG2- so you're saying that Ryu-R and Morrigan don't lose to Strider/GWM or DWM? (or Striderine, or Wolvie/Hulk, or...) Posted by on 04:22:2001 12:04 AM: Basically,'s not all about top tier this, glitch that...blah's just strict ol' school gameplay for most people. MvsC CAN be incredibly unbalanced...depending on what the player's default game plan is and their team...but really though...MvsC is not nearly as bad as MvsC2...where you can get your ass handed to you in mere seconds. Forget about Strider's domination days...or any other character's MvsC form, for that matter. The fact that MvsC2 has so many characters is a much more diverse scenario...because with 56 characters, there are some combinations of characters that can be just plain unstoppable...let alone the typical and expected combination of characters people use at tourney's. I learn new stuff almost everyday with each team I practice MvsC, people learned whatever they could about a specific team and just rolled with it...most of us already know how certain teams can flat out dominate people...but MvsC2 is such a game that sometimes you really don't know what to expect and you can't predict everything. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:22:2001 01:09 AM: I gotta say, I hated MvC because they didn't put any of my favorite characters into it. In MvC2, I have all my favorites back. =) Oh, yeah, and the crossovers were awful. I hated those. They basically took 10 seconds of the match away. -DFA Posted by Defective on 04:22:2001 01:47 AM: MvC better than MvC2???I think so I'd pick MvC2 because of the sheer amount of characters alone. The coolest thing about MvC was the new characters like Captain Commando but now you can play all your faves in one game. Capcom and Cyclops together? Plus Cable? Sign me up and call me winner! Gameplaywise MvC2 crushes MvC like a grape under Sentinel's foot. Make mine Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Posted by Viscant on 04:22:2001 01:50 AM: I suppose I can see what is being said. If you aren't good at the game, don't know anyone who's any good at the game and have no desire to be good at the game, then yes, MvC1 is the better game. If you're only playing at an intermediate level then the gaps between Strider and Morrigan/Jin (Strider being the best, Morrigan/Jin being tied for worst) is not that bad and not insurmountable. Does this mean that those matches are any better than Cable v. Zangief in MvC2? No, both are 10-0 slaughterfests when you actually know what to do. Most people who play the games seriously like MvC2 better because the better you get, the more you can do and the more characters you can play and the more styles of play are open. Whereas when you get right down to it in MvC1 you can either a) Do an infinite b) Throw c) Chip like a maniac To people who say that MvC1 was full of pixieing, I don't know what game you were playing. Chun-Li and Spiderman were rendered fairly ineffective because of grappling games. Zangief stands perfectly still then any time you jump or dash in you eat an untechable throw into option, Wolverine and Gambit can do him one better by getting good infinite setups. Red Venom can one-up that by getting guaranteed untechable throws into infinites guaranteed to kill both characters (as long as the 2nd one isn't Megaman or Roll) after the initial jab. Also add to it the fact that both War Machines and Strider have moves that make any pixie that isn't Wolverine dead in the water (and the fact that they rob you off 50% life every 10-15-20 seconds--WM charges 2 levels in 10, Strider in 15, GWM in 20) The way I see it, MvC1 was a lot of fun in the beginning, then as the game evolved it got really boring and repetitive really quickly. And MvC2 was really boring in the beginning then became one of the most enjoyable games I've played as it progressed. Bottom line, you can like whatever games you like, but if you're going to say that MvC1 was a) more fair to lesser characters b) more fun c) more diverse or d) more aggressively paced, I would LOVE to see what kind of game you're playing. --Jay Snyder Le Viscant Posted by Vega on 04:22:2001 02:35 AM: I'm voting for the original MvC. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:22:2001 02:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by Viscant I suppose I can see what is being said. If you aren't good at the game, don't know anyone who's any good at the game and have no desire to be good at the game, then yes, MvC1 is the better game. If you're only playing at an intermediate level then the gaps between Strider and Morrigan/Jin (Strider being the best, Morrigan/Jin being tied for worst) is not that bad and not insurmountable. Does this mean that those matches are any better than Cable v. Zangief in MvC2? No, both are 10-0 slaughterfests when you actually know what to do. Most people who play the games seriously like MvC2 better because the better you get, the more you can do and the more characters you can play and the more styles of play are open. Whereas when you get right down to it in MvC1 you can either a) Do an infinite b) Throw c) Chip like a maniac To people who say that MvC1 was full of pixieing, I don't know what game you were playing. Chun-Li and Spiderman were rendered fairly ineffective because of grappling games. Zangief stands perfectly still then any time you jump or dash in you eat an untechable throw into option, Wolverine and Gambit can do him one better by getting good infinite setups. Red Venom can one-up that by getting guaranteed untechable throws into infinites guaranteed to kill both characters (as long as the 2nd one isn't Megaman or Roll) after the initial jab. Also add to it the fact that both War Machines and Strider have moves that make any pixie that isn't Wolverine dead in the water (and the fact that they rob you off 50% life every 10-15-20 seconds--WM charges 2 levels in 10, Strider in 15, GWM in 20) The way I see it, MvC1 was a lot of fun in the beginning, then as the game evolved it got really boring and repetitive really quickly. And MvC2 was really boring in the beginning then became one of the most enjoyable games I've played as it progressed. Bottom line, you can like whatever games you like, but if you're going to say that MvC1 was a) more fair to lesser characters b) more fun c) more diverse or d) more aggressively paced, I would LOVE to see what kind of game you're playing. --Jay Snyder Le Viscant well said... mvc2 is one of the funnest games i have EVER played. Posted by Dasrik on 04:22:2001 04:17 AM: I am better at MvC1 than MvC2. And I still like the latter better. I have to concede with Viscant about the people who insist MvC1 is a mindless pixiefest. It's anything but. Having problems with a pixie who just attacks you forever? I dare you to convince me that hanging in the corner and throwing the opponent when they get too close (Hulk and Zangief) isn't more mindless than running in for a combo. Better yet, tell me how 50% damage for almost free every 15 seconds isn't mindless either. People who claim about mindless pixies are basically guilty of it themselves, because they lack the patience required to fight it. Look at the top tier of MvC1. Basically, the only top tier person who is a real pixie is Wolverine, and that isn't even why he's top tier. War Machine and Strider's dashes are too slow to pixie with, and trying to pixie with Red Venom is a fast way to die against patient players. RV and Wolverine are good because they can maintain consistent pressure on an opponent, and their throw ranges are so good that turtling on them is basically ineffective in the long run. Strider owns because he has the orbs and one of the best duo supers in the game; the War Machines dominate because they have the other good duo super. MvC2 has a real team dynamic that MvC1 lacks. In MvC1, for the most part, your back-up partner didn't make one squat of difference to your point man. The Wolvy in Morrigan/Wolverine didn't help you win anymore than the Jin in Morrigan/Jin did. The closest thing was using x/Strider for the orb duo. Your gameplay changes dramatically with the team you choose in MvC2. Cable/Doom is very different from Cable/Cyclops. Doom/Storm is not Doom/Blackheart. Slapping three top tiers together will not make a good team. An example is Magneto/Cable/Blackheart. They all get in the way of each other - the most viable duo is Cable/BH, which is easy to get around with thought. As for balance, the ratio of 15:56 is brought up a lot. Tell me, can you make a non-idiotic argument as to how a game with 15 playable characters out of 16 is any better than a game with 15 out of 56? MvC1 had 8 characters that saw real action in a tourney - Strider, Wolverine, WM, GWM, RV, Chun-Li (her aerial threat was taken advantage of a lot), Captain Commando (to counter GWM), and Hulk (to counter teams without a viable duo threat). MvC2 currently has a roster of 15 tournament-viable characters, and it grows all the time as new bullshit is discovered. I think people complain because they don't have the patience to play a fighting game well. Patience isn't a prized value in this country, I think. Hulk in MvC1 got you nowhere unless you were patient - that's why so many people disregarded him. And Cable/xx traps are hard to break if you lose your patience and just try to hit Cable. I think people liked MvC1 because at an intermediate level, it spoonfed hits to them, so everyone with a super combo was good. Whereas MvC2 at an intermediate level is dominated by Cable and Sentinel trappage. Patience is a virtue. Learn from your favorite kung fu movie! Sheesh. Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:22:2001 09:37 AM: MVC1 is trash. Let me make sure that that is absolutely known from jump. First of all, MVC1 is totally dominated by five characters. To wit, if you do not have one of the following five (5) characters on your team: Gold War Machine Red Venom Strider War Machine Wolverine You *will* die, in all sorts of entertaining ways. (if your opponent knows the first thing about how to play the game) BUT... The major difference is, in MVC2 you will die in all sorts of unentertaining ways, where after you are dead, you will fully understand that you had no chance. MVC1 gives you the illusion that you could have won if you had just blocked that one low jab, etc., when in fact, you still died at the select screen. Has anyone else ever noticed the following? Intermediate level players tend to think MVC1 is great (or at least, better than MVC2) and that MVC2 sucks. Expert level players will tell you that MVC1 is trash, and MVC2 is really good. Have you ever wondered why this is? It's precisely because MVC1 lets you think you have a shot. MVC2 at intermediate level is like: rock (Cable) rock (Doom) rock (Sentinel) scissors (everyone else) MVC1 never really has this problem, as you can always pick whatever characters you want and do your strategy (e.g. Soul Fist rain with Morrigan), it just won't work and you eventually die. In MVC2, you can't even get your strategy started because you can't move, or BH assist is hitting you out of the sky every 3 seconds. It's way more frustrating. Posted by BarrelO on 04:22:2001 09:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Viscant To people who say that MvC1 was full of pixieing, I don't know what game you were playing. For me, I think it's an issue of semantics. It's not so much that pixieing dominated the game as the characters who dominated the game were by and large pixies. I've always considered Red Venom and Strider to be pixies even if they don't really qualify under the technical definition (insofar that such a definition even exists). All times are GMT. The time now is 01:26 AM. Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.